Thursday 18 December 2008

Ignorance is BLISS

The resource walked herself to office today unusually late from her usual reporting - not expecting much of the mundane work today. This was predicted to be one of those days when there is little to do. Another resource, lets call her resource 2 , called in sick and added more to the loneliness of resource 1. Thinking about random things to keep oneself occupied, she - resource 1, did what she normally would do, check the news on, the hot topics being the furore over the Antulay remarks over the suspicious killing of the ATS chief ... sigh, she thought, nothing in this country can be achieved without sensationalism. A few moments of pondering and she checked the watch, another 7 hours to go.

No mails or communication from other resources (read co workers), today was really a lull day. Resource 1 busied herself into reading anything. Friend 1 called enquired about some books regarding Inca civilization and mythology. Trigerring a wave of excitement of learning and reading something more interesting, Resource 1 quickly Googled around to read about Inca's, Macchu Picchu, Lake Titicaca in the South American countries of Peru and Bolivia.

Taking to the topic rather too seriously she even read about other related topics of Inca civilization and early history, religious connections with Inca etc. All these as much unrelated topics for Resource 1 - but today she had the inclination to absorb as much knowledge about anything. Another check to the mails - still nothing. Lunch with Resource 3 and little chutzpah later only 4 more hours to go before Resource 1 can pack up for the day. Discussions on how Dostana is not really such a good movie and Rab ne . . . is a earnest effort. The self endorsed critic,Resource 1 thumping opinions on the minion Resource 3 - she only a few days old in office and doesn't really have an option but to agree.

After a trivial rounds of conversations and no work - back to the phone, updating ' what else's' to the GEEK, he was as usual hammering the digital bugs with some pest control measures using scientific language only he follows. Armed with the recent Inca knowledge and a sudden affinity to visit South America, Resource 1 burped out to GEEK, he suggested some more reading, apparently GEEK knows these things already, since his Childhood. Not a surprise for Resource 1 GEEK knows almost everything about everything. Looks like his reading bug has infected Resource 1 too, NIIICE!

Followed to the tee, GEEKs suggested topic was next on the Google search list, NAZCA lines, geoglyphs drawn in the desert can be seen even from satellite pictures. Strange how come ancient people have such sophisticated technique and mechanisms to do things that lasts generations, some Tera- ages of forward thinking. Resource 1 was completely absorbed into reading about what these lines and figures could represent, aliens, religious signs, pathways ... yes she did go on to read related articles too.

Not sure how but somehow diamonds and South Africa were next on the list. After a quick synopsis of Blood diamond, history of South Africa and why is it so rich in diamonds. The band of stones on the ring of Resource 1 did they come from one of these mines, the myth about diamonds of being precious and rare - its all hyped, diamonds are much like the other gems and found in such abundance everywhere around SA. The truth about the huge diggings and the wiped out hills and the big holes the mines have made in African countries. After a rather righteous dose of humanity and must Save the environment - time check again, 30 minutes more. Again no mails.

A cuppa tea down - almost aiming for close of day - Resource 1 was proud to have spent the day learning new things, much about history read only in Tintin comics. A feeling of satisfaction devouring - routine always puts hurdles in path of new discovery. On and off it is a good feeling to try something new. Surpirised at herself, and a new found interest in history again - there is much that one does not know. Almost happy that there was no work today and no pending mails, that led her back to the ancient ages - she discovered, OUTLOOK was in offline mode.

As the title suggests IGNORANCE is BLISS only till it lasts :).


adie said...

Awesome presh...really loved the pace, the wit. Funny in a nice way..

quasi said...

heh. nice one. R1 agrees I see. :)

trupz said...

he is not R1 - he is the GEEK....